Letter From the President

Day Two - Inter County (IC )is fast and neat and that's a good thing. It's important to remember that there are a lot of moving parts to this job, and we hired experts that we have to trust. Traffic control was not in the contract that our atty wrote - I didn't catch that. But the truth is that we only need traffic control while the hill is one way. It would have been terrific if off site parking was established before the project started, but we ran into glitches - the Town won't allow 24/7 rental parking - so we move on to Plan B. There are 30 spaces on Diamond's property - yes it's 1/4 mile away. This is Temporary! Consider arranging for a pickup with a family member or a neighbor. Let's stay in the solution.

The 20 spaces by the wall below us would have been terrific, but the property owner put an indemnity clause into the contract that is not reasonable for our purposes. In spite of these unexpected twists and turns and disappointments, let's stay focused on the big picture, which is an improvement with the least amount of conflict. A movie on the tennis court is exactly what we need to maintain a cohesive community - it is emotional equity and will allow for a tremendous exchange of information. Please consider supporting the decisions that IC and Heritage are making. Let's keep our concerns and comments respectful as we make our way through a very worthwhile project. 

Jody Stokhamer

President, Brookside Village Board of Managers