Hello October! Well, it really doesn’t feel that way yet but hopefully soon…
We are in the process of integrating our landscaping plan and have started with the Fall plantings. I am sure all of you have seen the Landscapers (and sometimes the Arborist) around the neighborhood. They are beginning by removing dead trees and shrubs. We are also, at the same time, doing new plantings. These plantings are just the first part as seasonally we can only plant certain things at specific times of the year.
Please be aware that the area around your unit is a common area. Our Homeowners' Association is responsible for the upkeep of all common areas. If our professional Landscaper & Arborist determines that something is dead or going to be a problem, we do have the right to remove it; Section 7 of the Rules & Regulations. Although we allow annuals to be planted in some "fill-in" areas around the homes, all permanent plantings do have to be approved by the Association's Board.
We look forward to a beautiful Brookside this coming Spring.
Thank you for your co-operation